
Hi! My name is Amy 

I am an Online Fitness Coach and I help busy people change their bodies without the crazy extremes!


i have been there y’all


My wake up call came when I burned out. I hit that wall. I looked in the mirror and had no clue who was staring back. That’s when everything changed. After growing up and seeing my parents and family struggle with auto immune diseases, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and much more - I vowed that would never be me, yet before I knew it all the signs were there. I was a Personal Trainer and supposed to practice what I preach.. But a stressful career, working/playing hard, extreme exercise and yo-yo diets left me straight wiped out.

I faced the facts, and knew I had to step away from what I thought was the “right” way of doing things. Years later, with loads of hands on fitness education under my belt, and many happy clients later… I’ve been able to make huge strides for myself and my clients through foundational support. I know the importance of getting to the root cause of the symptoms and the best methods for creating long-lasting habits. It’s my mission to help you along on this journey and to provide you with all the tools for success.


That we are all WAY more capable than we give ourselves credit for.. We all just need to #sendit more often

I believe


Moving my body, creating things, cuddling my dog, good food, playing Call of Duty are all things

i enjoy


to inspire women to take back control – to ensure that no one goes what I went through when I first started my fitness journey - to help you achieve amazing things you never thought were possible and make you laugh along the way

I’m Here



BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer 2014

Krav Maga Self Defence Certification 2016

AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant 2017

Pre & Post Natal Specialist 2020

My Top Fitness Tips

  1. Work through intimidation & remember no one is judging you - Every single person no matter what shape, size or journey has every right to exercise - ESPECIALLY you!!

  2. Find something that you actually enjoy doing - This is the ultimate way to set yourself up for long term success. When force yourself to do something that you detest doing, what happens? Quitting happens.

  3. Money is one of the best motivators of all - Whether you drop a couple K on a trainer or simply commit to joining a gym for $50/ month, the fact that you are paying for something will make you a lot more likely to utilize whatever it may be.


for some

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